MacGhyver - Green Hydrogen Pathfinder

MacGhyver, short for Microfluidic Wastewater Treatment and Creation of Green Hydrogen via Electrochemical Reactions, is a European Innovation Council (EIC) flagship project looking at new routes for the production of green hydrogen. At the heart of the system is a microfluidic electrolyzer stack designed to convert wastewater to green hydrogen at non-critical electrodes using renewable energy sources. The system thus functions as an electrochemical energy storage system. At the same time, wastewater treatment and electrochemical hydrogen compression are to be integrated. In cooperation with EdenTech (France), the Technical University of Poznan (Poland), the University of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain), Delft University of Technology (Netherlands) and Leibniz University Hannover, a corresponding electrolyser design, including the development and characterization of sustainable electrodes, is to be matured. Finally, a demonstrator system is to be set up at the Goslar site (EST).

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This project has received research funding from the EIC.